Aug 13, 2020 |
- We ask that everyone at Heartland serve in at least 1 of 3 areas: First Impressions, Next Generation, Worship/Tech.
- Use this online form to sign up to serve.
- First Impressions:
- Greeters position themselves in the parking lot, by entrance doors, or at the Welcome Center to welcome guests and help guests find their way at Heartland. Greeters serve before and after our Small Groups, Worship Gathering, and other special occasions/events.
- Ushers serve during the worship gathering by helping take up offerings and assisting others in seating.
- Security workers patrol the grounds during church services and activities, monitoring the parking lot and entrances.
- Next Generation
- Nursery Workers: Heartland has a baby room and a toddler room that provides childcare on Sunday Mornings and Sunday Nights, along with other special occasions. Workers care for infants and toddlers by holding them, playing with them, changing diapers and potty breaks, etc. Workers serve on a weekly rotation, ideally serving once a month. We also strive to have multiple workers in each room, so we can always use more workers.
- Children’s Sunday School Helpers: S.S. helpers assist S.S. teachers by helping the kids focus on lessons and activities, assisting in potty breaks, etc. S.S. helpers serve on a monthly rotation, where they spend a month of Sundays in the classroom, ideally only serving a few months a year.
- Children’s Church Helpers: During the sermon portion of our worship gathering, kids (ages 4-10) are dismissed to children’s church. Helpers assist the teachers by helping the kids focus on lessons and activities, assisting in potty breaks, etc. Helpers serve on a weekly rotation, ideally serving once a month.
- Worship/Tech
- Praise Team: Sing or play an instrument to lead others in worship.
- Audio Board: Help mix the audio elements of worship gathering.
- Projector Screen Slides: Work within ProPresenter to produce slides and click through them for worship gathering.
- Lights: Adjust the lighting in the sanctuary for our worship gatherings.
- Video Production: Help produce the livestream of our Worship Gathering on Facebook as well as recording.
Share the Gospel with others
- 3 Circles App: Download the app to walk others through the 3 Circles
- Get Gear: Pick up a 3 Circles bracelet at church Welcome Center or order more gear from NAMB.
- Read how to share 3 Circles
- Watch the videos below to learn how to present 3 Circles
Gospel Conversation Resources
- How to share your testimony
- Turning conversations to the Gospel
- 4 Steps for turning conversations to Jesus
- Evangelism tips
- Gospel conversation starters
- How to turn a conversation to spiritual things
- Gospel Conversation Questions
- Respond to Opportunities
- How to share the Gospel with One Verse, Romans 6:23
- Romans Road Presentation
- Watch Greg Stier of Dare 2 Share teach on how to share Christ with others
Go into all the World
- Serve with the North American Board’s Send Relief Effort
- Serve with International Mission Board
Radical Generosity
We refer to giving at Heartland as stewardship, which is taking care of something that belongs to another. We rightly see as everything belonging to God. Anything we have in our lives is because of God’s goodness and grace, and He has entrusted it to us as stewards to use for His purposes and mission. One of God’s purposes is to provide for our families (1 Tim. 5:8), but it’s also to provide for His church as the church seeks to fulfill the Great Commission. We believe that tithing is part of being a good steward. Tithe means tenth, and we see in scripture where God instructs His people to bring the tithe to the people doing His work. We also see God calling us to radical generosity, where we give beyond the tithe to special offerings and in other ways. 2 Corinthians 9:7 is an important scripture for stewardship, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” The giving that God desires and delights in is where we give freely and gladly because we trust God and we want to be a part of His Kingdom’s work.
- “What would happen if the church actually tithed“
- Watch this short video on Biblical Stewardship and tithing